The CACHOEIRA Gold Project is situated in the Gurupi Belt, along the border between the states of Pará and Maranhão in northern Brazil. The site benefits from year-round access via well-maintained gravel roads, with the state highway BR-316 just 17 km from our tenements.


AN MINERALS participated in the 8th auction conducted by the National Mining Agency, which was concluded on July 31, 2024. We successfully acquired the mineral rights for the two tenements during this auction. These properties benefit from robust logistics and power infrastructure. The nearby city of Cachoeira do Piriá, just 25 km away, offers access to a skilled workforce as well as local engineering and construction expertise, factors that help to minimize project development costs and minimize execution risk.


The Cachoeira do Piriá Gold Deposit is part of the Parnaíba Structural Province, located in the middle-north of Brazil, in the border region between the states of Pará and Maranhão. In this region, Proterozoic-age metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks are exposed, along with Phanerozoic-age sedimentary rocks. All these metamorphic and magmatic rocks constitute part of the Gurupi Belt and the São Luis Craton. The Gurupi Belt trends NNW-SSE and is located on the SSW edge of the São Luis Craton. This belt has two structural domains: the first is marked by thrust zones, and the second is characterized by sinistral oblique shear zones. The Tentugal Shear Zone is sinistral-transcurrent and is considered the transitional boundary between the Gurupi Belt and the São Luis Craton. This deformation zone is associated with the formation of the main gold deposits of the Belt, such as the Cachoeira do Piriá Gold Deposit, where our tenements are located.