Chief Operating Officer

Nikitas brings over two decades of international corporate experience across diverse industries, excelling in negotiations and driving business growth. Fluent in five languages, he skillfully identifies new opportunities and delivers results amidst challenges.

Transitioning from the travel industry to mining four years ago, Nikitas established a successful junior exploration company in Brazil. Leading AN MINERALS exploration activities and also spearheading a mining cooperative, COOPMIN, he unites artisanal mining professionals, local communities, and industry stakeholders in promoting responsible and sustainable mining practices in the Tapajos mineral province. Through his leadership, Nikitas has transformed a budding ecosystem into a thriving entity, creating substantial value and establishing a strong foothold in the auriferous district.


Chief Financial Officer

Anthony brings a wealth of experience with over 40 years in property development, construction, international finance and private investments in the UK, Portugal, UAE, Sri Lanka and Brazil. Over the years with his financial and property expertise he has been involved globally in numerous projects from developing legacy sites into communities, 300 bedroom high-rise hotels and funding numerous international projects. He has been involved in UK government policy committees and was recognized by the world Green Building Council and the WWF for his environmental ventures, investing and developing global carbon reduction and sustainable developments for the last 15 years.


Operations Director

Nilson is a highly experienced mining executive from Sao Paulo who has been working in the
Tapajos Gold District since 2005. In his career he has offered services to a range of mining companies , focusing in the exploration of gold deposits in the region. In addition to his project and team management experience, he also has deep technical expertise in many aspects of the extraction business, including ore body development, mine and process plant construction and on-site operations management.